Top Ten Shopping Tips Many of us need a few simple reminders of how to shop smart. As many of you know, I became something of a shopping champion (by ‘shopping til I dropped’) until it became a problem for me (my shopping started to become compulsive). I knew that I had to develop a healthier relationship to shopping and over the course of a year, I did just that. These days, I don’t shop so much but I know what makes for a successful shopping expedition. Let me share my top ten shopping tips with you. I hope they help you to shop smart. Don’t just get in the car and point it in the direction of your favourite shopping destination! Take a few moments to familiarise yourself with this list of savvy shopping strategies. Shop with a list . This is my number one tip for good reason. Many people overspend or buy things they don’t want, don’t need and never end up using because they haven’t prepared properly. This is your hard earned cash and precious time you are spe...